Anna Tells Us How to Support a Friend with Mental Illness

You have a friend experiencing a mental health crisis and you have no idea what to say or do.  That can be scary, huh?  Anna shares two simple steps to help support them:

#1 Be present and let them know "I'm here for you." 
#2 Listen non-judgmentally to what they have to say

That's it! It makes such a difference to someone to know that they are not alone and that what they say and how they feel matters to someone.  Be present and listen and you've just helped more than you know.

**If your friend is talking about hurting themselves, contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call your local emergency services.**

When your friend is able, encourage them to connect with a mental health professional.  You can also direct them to to connect with professional and self-help resources.
